Hello, I'm

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “Being in the right place at the right time”, or “God brought me to this for a reason”.  This is how I felt when, at age 38, I was so sick I thought I was surely dying.

I went from doctor to doctor, but no one could tell me what was wrong. I had all but, truly, given up hope, when I was invited to a Shaklee meeting at my sister’s home. ​ I knew my sister loved this company, but I was skeptical. When I heard about Shaklee’s 100% money back guarantee, I decided I had nothing to lose for trying, so I went home with a basic nutrition program in hand.

Within 2 days, I was experiencing a lot of energy and some of my symptoms had already disappeared. I was regaining health each day and 4 weeks later I had no more symptoms. I felt GREAT! ​ As my budget permitted, I sampled all the other product lines. I found Shaklee to be a total health company that encompasses our ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH – our PHYSICAL HEALTH – and our FINANCIAL HEALTH. ​

People started asking me, “What are you doing?  You look so much better!”  And as I explained my story, others started trying Shaklee and found better health also!  

Before I knew what was happening, my upline said, “You sent so many people to me to get products, you earned $800 this month! Have you ever considered having your own business?”, she asked.  And that was the launch of my Shaklee business!  I never, ever felt like I was "selling" anything… I simply shared my personal experiences and the benefits the products provide, and people started ordering!

As a stay at home mom, this extra income allowed me to raise my own children while being blessed to help so many people feel better.  Some of my members also became distributors and are enjoying their own extra income and newfound friendships.  

Shaklee is a way of life that has brought amazing health & financial benefits to 4 generations of my own family! What started as my sister sharing it with me, ended up helping our parents, ourselves, our children, and now our grand-children in every avenue of our life.

I can’t remember the last time I had a cold or got sick and I'm thankful I don't need to take any prescription drugs. ​ I know it’s because of Shaklee. ​ Shaklee is about taking responsibility for your own health. Prevention from DIS-EASE is how Dr. Shaklee termed it. ​ I love Dr. Shaklee’s perspective of health at the cellular level ... nourishing each and every cell in your body, so that each day you are building cells better than the day before. In 7 years…you have a whole new body! Think about that!  You can too!  (I’ve done that 3 times already!) 

So... how do YOU want to feel TOMORROW?
Because, TOMORROW starts TODAY!

I would be honored to assist you in your Shaklee journey in creating a Healthy Home that will lead to a HEALTHY LIFE! ​ ​ ​ ​

And if you are wishing you could stay home with your kiddies or have a residual income for your retirement… or just need extra income… (who doesn’t?)… I invite you to look into the opportunity to achieve the freedom to have YOUR life YOUR way!!!

 I look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve your Wellness Goals! 

     ~ Hope ​